Monday, September 17, 2007

guess where on Earth this came from!


Laura K said...

oooooh, that is a good tough one.

is it an insect tunnel through tree barK or leaf?

slo birder said...

good try, but this time it's not an insect!

hint: it's been resting in my garden for years, which explains the weathered look

Laura K said...

Well, answer this: is that white chipped paint I see?

slo birder said...

no, this thing is 100% organic. Found it in the woods. Of course, it wasn't living anymore. Used to have specimens from at least 3 different species lying around in my garden, but animals walked off with most of them.

Now that's TMI, but it should make it easier.

Still stumped?

This is fun!

Anonymous said...

C- Jonathan loved the dung beetle movie, except that it looked like he/she got hurt. Is it ok?

Second -we want to guess. Jonathan guesses a mushroom. Is he right?

slo birder said...

excellent sleuthing, Jonathan! I can see you pay close attention to detail, but unfortunately it's not a fungi.

This is a creature of a bigger nature. When it was alive, it roamed in forest and field. We've taken all their predators away, so their population has skyrocketed.

any ideas of what it might be now?

Anonymous said...

Only because of your last post, I'll guess that it's a fissure in the skull of some larger mammmal, a deer maybe?

My initial guess was a satellite photo of a river through some mud flats


Anonymous said...

Ok - Jonathan's guess is otter hide. Tom is stumped. We think it's hide of some kind... I like Paul's guess of deer. Nathaniel guesses wolf hide.
Are we close?

Ok - we also wanted a report on the dung beetle. Is it ok?

slo birder said...

Oh yes, DUDLEY! He's doing as fine as ever ... hasn't slowed down a bit since the day we found him on the path. In the video clip, he'd dug a hole in the paper towel and scooted underneath, but he was fine. These guys are TOUGH I tell you! Found a forest filled with dung beetles this weekend, and almost brought Dudley some friends, but decided against it. They had serious jobs to do, like decomposing waste!

... and the answer for "guess where on Earth this came from" is .... drums rolling ... deer skull! It's actually the frontal suture between the two frontal bones, which usually fuses to give one bone by about age 6 in humans. Not sure if that's the case in deer, but if so, then it could've been from a juvenile.

Bravo Paul! And also to Jonathan and Nathaniel ... I never would've thought of mammal hides!

This was so much fun I want to do another one! Will keep the camera on the ready ...

Anonymous said...

AH! HA!!
Thanks for solving the mystery Paul. Thanks for letting us know, the answer!! It was fun. Get your camera ready and we'll play!!