... Dudley had decimated the sample to shreds - much more than foto shows - and he resumed his wall-climbing behavior, which seemed to say "that's it, folks". Even after another day had passed, there was no indication that he was even remotely interested in making a ball and rolling it. I'm afraid it's just not gonna happen. At least not with this guy! He's convinced me that all he cares about is eating. Even with a fresh new pony potatoe (and even after I ripped off a little bit and rolled it into a ball to give him a head start), he showed absolutely no interest in it. He gave the big bit a few half-hearted nudges and then it was off-to-the-races with chowing down. You must admit this guy has an appetite. Wish my kids ate half as good as he does!
I've never known a pet (of any kind) that didn't love to eat! Maybe once it gets tired of feasting on all of the "delicacies" you've been feeding it, it might finally make a ball for you.
good hearing from you Aimee! Well, as it turns out, Dudley's been trying to roll his food all along, but his attempts have all resulted in failure because the surface of his plastic cage was too slippery. It was all MY fault!
Last night I got the idea to put him and the poop on a piece of paper towel, and lo and behold, he ROLLED it! And i was beside myself with joy!
So shame on me for assuming the ball was too big, or he lacked motivation. Will be more careful next time!
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