This morning I showed our potato beetle to oma and opa ... the same one we found in Switzerland 45 days ago while on vacation! Stijn and I were hiking the Etzel Kulm when this beetle crossed our path. Of course I couldn't resist picking her up! She's been with us ever since. She survived vacationing in southern France (that was rough!) and now living in Belgium. Guess she likes the taste of the Belgische spuds.
Reason I started this post was I thought she'd passed away. When I got the cage to show oma and opa, she didn't move an inch. Not even after poking and prodding. I thought that was the end of that, but was kinda sad because she's really CUTE! Was thinking of pinning her for the collection. Boy am I glad I didn't! Can you imagine the horror on the kids faces as they opened the box to see her legs wiggling around while stuck on a pin?
Now I'm wondering HOW LONG this beetle's gonna live! Been thinking about adding some soil because apparently they overwinter as adults underground. It's worth a try, don't you think?
You can pick the cute ones!
We're watching Bend it Like Beckham today!
Oh, i LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE that movie. The soundtrack is awesome and He's so HOT - yow! That was the first movie in which I saw Kiera (Keira?) Knightley - she was good too.
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