Exactly 3 h ago the kids began school, and I began REHAB! Had a fantastic summer - maybe too fantastic - with 4 weeks of travel to the states, Switzerland and southern France - being with the kids 24/7 - it's left me completely filled up, but also completely drained. I could use 3 days stranded on the beach with nothing more than a beach towel, a book and a bottle of rum. Jack Sparrow wouldn't be bad either, come to think of it! Captain Jack Sparrow, that is. Better yet, give me Johnny - straight up!
Now I KNOW there are moms out there who feel the same. What are your tricks?!!! How do you survive 8+ weeks of captivity? Wouldn't it be great if there was a SUMMER CAMP for moms? Where you could do everything you dreamed of and not have to worry about the hubbie/kids. I take it this is why female vacations are on the rise. Sometimes the girls just gotta get away! Well girlfriends, whoever is up for a trip next summer, just let me know. Iceland sound good? The birding is great there, I hear!
I am so jealous. I am still captive til 9 am WED morning. UGH!
I loe the idea of summer camp for women. They have get-a-ways already, but who has $1,500 to spend on a spa get away!?
Wouldn't it be great if kids banded together to organize and pay for their MOMS to get away to SUMMER CAMP just like We organzie for them? I love it.
THey'd make sure we had plenty of Kool Aid and Freezer Pops for the weekend....
and add hot dogs and popcorn to the list ... and Spy kids, but I don't mind watching Antonio Banderas, kids movie or whatever!
You know there ARE yoga workshops that have kid yoga programs too, and that might be a nice way to get some relaxation. Not completely, fully, but at least partially. Although not sure if alcohol is allowed - bummer!
Let's nurture this thought! I'm sure we'll come up with something!
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