Since I left my paying job, my husband always asks, "so, what did you do today?" The unpaid job I take the most pride in these days has been educating myself about birds and their conservation in the Old World. The effort is paying off since after 2 y + 5 m, I've learned a great deal about birds in Europe, and also where to bird, and equally important, WHO to bird with (like w my friends in the Oost-Brabant Vogelwerkgroep and COWB). I keep a list of birds I've seen, along w where I've seen them since you never know when this info might prove valuable! I'm not as good about recording numbers seen -- there's always room for improvement.
Posting my list here for the fun of it - w species in phylogenetic order. Plus, I thought it would help motivate me since I feel like I'm already falling short of my goal of 100 new species a year (note: my "year" begins mid-August, when we arrived in the Old World, not January 1 - yeah, bummer). The learning curve is beginning to level off and now the real work begins! More time in the field, more time checking lists on yahoo news groups, more time reading blogs and trip reports (i LOVE Charlie's bird blog!). Will i ever find time for a paying job?
1. Roodkeelduiker - Red-throated Loon
2. Ijsduiker -Great Northern Loon
3. Kuifduiker - Horned Grebe
4. Geoorde Fuut -Black-necked Grebe
5. Dodaars -Little Grebe
6. Fuut - Great Crested Grebe
7. Roodhalsfuut -Red-necked Grebe
8. Aalscholver - Cormorant
9. Kuifaalscholver -Shag
10. Koereiger -Cattle egret
11. Kleine Zilverreiger - Little Heron
12. Grote Zilverreiger - Great Egret
13. Blauwe Reiger - Grey Heron
14. Purpurreiger - Purple Heron
15. Ooievaar - White Stork
16. Zwarte Ooievaar - Black Stork
17. Lepelaar -Spoonbill
18. Flamingo -Greater flamingo
19. Knobbelzwaan - Mute swan
20. Wilde Zwaan - Whooper swan
21. Kleine Zwaan - Bewick's swan
22. Kolgans - Greater White-fronted Goose
23. Kleine Rietgans - Pink-footed Goose
24. Grauwe Gans - Greylag Goose
25. Canadese Gans - Canada Goose
26. Brandgans - Barnacle Goose
27. Rotgans - Brent
28. Bergeend - Shelduck
29. Casarca - Ruddy Shelduck
30. Nijlgans - Egyptian Goose
31. Mandarijneend -Mandarin Duck
32. Rosse Fluiteend - Fulvous Whistling Duck
33. Wilde eend - Mallard
34. Krakeend - Gadwall
35. Pijlstaart - Pintail
36. Slobeend - Shoveler
37. Smient - Eurasian Wigeon
38. Wintertaling-Teal
39. Zomertaling -Garganey
40. Tafeleend - Pochard
41. Krooneend - Red-crested Pochard
42. Topper - Greater Scaup
43. Kuifeend - Tufted Duck
44. Eider - Common Eider
45. Grote Zee-eend - Common Scoter
46. Ijseend - Long-tailed Duck
47. Brilduiker - Common Goldeneye
48. Nonnetje - Smew
49. Grote Zaagbek -Common Merganser (Goosander)
50. Middelste Zaagbek -Red-breasted Merganser
51. Vale Gier - Griffon Vulture
52. Aasgier - Egyptian Vulture
53. Visarend - Osprey
54. Slangenarend - Short-toed Eagle
55. Dwergarend - Booted Eagle
56. Rode Wouw - Red Kite
57. Zwarte Wouw - Black Kite
58. Bruine Kiekendief - Marsh Harrier
59. Blauwe Kiekendief -Hen Harrier
60. Grauwe Kiekendief -Montagu's Harrier
61. Buizerd - Common Buzzard
62. Wespendief - Honey Buzzard
63. Sperwer - Sparrowhawk
64. Torenvalk - Kestrel
65. Kleine Torenvalk - Lesser Kestrel
66. Boomvalk -Hobby
67. Slechtvalk - Peregrine
68. Smelleken -Merlin
69. Rode patrijs - Red-legged Partridge
70. Patrijs - Grey Partridge
71. Fazant -Pheasant
72. Waterral - Water Rail
73. Waterhoen - Moorhen
74. Meerkoet - Coot
75. Purpurkoet - Purple Swamp Hen
76. Kraanvogel -Common Crane
77. Scholekster - Oystercatcher
78. Kluut -Pied Avocet
79. Steltkluut - Black-winged Stilt
80. Griel - Stone Curlew
81. Kleine Plevier - Little Ringed Plover
82. Bontbekplevier - Common Ringed Plover
83. Strandplevier - Kentish Plover
84. Zilverplevier - Grey Plover
85. Goudplevier - Golden Plover
86. Kievit - Northern Lapwing
87. Kanoet - Red Knot
88. Drieteenstrandloper - Sanderling
89. Paarse Strandloper - Purple Sandpiper
90. Steenloper - Ruddy Turnstone
91. Bonte Strandloper -Dunlin
92. Krombekstrandloper - Curlew Sandpiper
93. Temminck's Strandloper -Temminck's Sandpiper
94. Kleine Strandloper - Little Stint
95. Bosruiter - Wood Sandpiper
96. Witgat - Green Sandpiper
97. Oeverloper -Common Sandpiper
98. Tureluur - Redshank
99. Zwarte Ruiter - Spotted Redshank
100. Groenpootruiter - Greenshank
101. Grutto - Black-tailed Godwit
102. Rosse Grutto - Bar-tailed Godwit
103. Wulp - Curlew
104. Regenwulp - Whimbrel
105. Watersnip - Common Snipe
106. Kemphaan - Ruff
107. Kokmeeuw - Black-headed Gull
108. Stormmeeuw - Mew Gull
109. Zilvermeeuw - Herring Gull
110. Geelpootmeeuw - Yellow-legged Gull
111. Kleine Mantelmeeuw - Lesser Black-backed Gull
112. Grote Mantelmeeuw - Greater Black-backed Gull
113. Dwergmeeuw - Little Gull
114. Drieteenmeeuw - Kittwake
115. Dwergstern - Little Tern
116. Grote Stern - Sandwich Tern
117. Visdief - Common Tern
118. Zwarte Stern - Black Tern
119. Witwangstern - Whiskered Tern
120. Kleine Alk - Little Auk
121. Zeekoet - Guillemot
122. Rotsduif - Rock Dove
123. Holenduif - Stock Dove
124. Houtduif - Wood Pigeon
125. Turkse Tortel - Eurasian Collared Dove
126. Zomertortel - Turtle Dove
127. Koekoek - Common Cuckoo
128. Bosuil - Tawny Owl
129. Ransuil - Long-eared Owl
130. Kerkuil - Barn Owl
131. Steenuil - Little Owl
132. Gierzwaluw - Common Swift
133. Alpengierzwaluw - Alpine Swift
134. Hop - Hoopoe
135. Ijsvogel - Kingfisher
136. Bijeneter - Bee-eater
137. Scharrelaar - Roller
138. Halsbandparkiet - Ring-necked Parakeet
139. Zwarte Specht - Black Woodpecker
140. Groene Specht - Green Woodpecker
141. Grote Bonte Specht - Great Spotted Woodpecker
142. Kleine Bonte Specht - Little Spotted Woodpecker
143. Draaihals - Wryneck
144. Veldleeuwerik - Skylark
145. Kuifleeuwerik - Crested Lark
146. Boomleeuwerik - Woodlark
147. Kalanderleeuwerik - Calandra Lark
148. Oeverzwaluw - Sand Martin
149. Rotszwaluw - Crag Martin
150. Boerenzwaluw - Barn Swallow
151. Roodstuitzwaluw - Red-rumped Swallow
152. Huiszwaluw - House Martin
153. Oeverpieper - Rock Pipit
154. Graspieper - Meadow Pipit
155. Witte Kwikstaart - Pied Wagtail
156. Gele Kwikstaart - Yellow Wagtail
Gele Kwikstaart iberiae - Iberian Wagtail
157. Grote Gele Kwikstaart - Grey Wagtail
158. Winterkoning - Wren
159. Waterspreeuw - Dipper
160. Heggenmus - Dunnock or Accentor
161. Alpenheggenmus - Alpine Accentor
162. Roodborst - Robin
163. Nachtegaal - Nightingale
164. Blauwborst - Bluethroat
165. Gekraagde Roodstaart - Common Redstart
166. Zwarte Roodstaart - Black Redstart
167. Tapuit - Wheatear
168. Paapje - Whinchat
169. Roodborsttapuit - Stonechat
170. Blauwe Rotsluister - Blue Rock Thrush
171. Zanglijster - Song Thrush
172. Koperwiek - Redwing
173. Grote Lijster - Mistle Thrush
174. Kramsvogel - Fieldfare
175. Merel - Blackbird
176. Tuinfluiter - Garden Warbler
177. Zwartkop - Blackcap
178. Kleine Zwartkop - Sardinian Warbler
179. Grasmus - Whitethroat
180. Baardgrasmus - Subalpine Warbler
181. Graszanger - Fantail Warbler
182. Sprinkhaanzanger - Grasshopper Warbler
183. Cetti's Zanger - Cetti's Warbler
184. Kleine Karakiet - Reed Warbler
185. Bosrietzanger - Marsh Warbler
186. Grote Karakiet - Great Reed Warbler
187. Spotvogel - Icterine Warbler
188. Fitis - Willow Warbler
189. Fluiter - Wood Warbler
190. Tjiftjaf - Chiffchaff
191. Goudhaan - Goldcrest
192. Vuurgoudhaan - Firecrest
193. Grauwe Vliegenvanger - Spotted Flycatcher
194. Koolmees - Great Tit
195. Zwarte Mees - Coat Tit
196. Pimpelmees - Blue Tit
197. Kuifmees - Crested Tit
198. Matkop - Willow Tit
199. Glanskop - Marsh Tit
200. Staartmees - Long-tailed Tit
201. Boomklever - Nuthatch
202. Boomkruiper - Treecreeper
203. Roodkopklauwier - Woodchat Shrike
204. Klapekster - Great Grey Shrike
205. Blauwe Ekster - Iberian Magpie
206. Ekster - Magpie
207. Gaai - Jay
208. Notenkraker - Spotted Nutcracker
209. Kauw - Jackdaw
210. Alpenkraai - Chough
211. Alpenkauw - Alpine Chough
212. Roek - Rook
213. Zwarte Kraai- Carrion Crow
214. Raaf - Common Raven
215. Spreeuw - Starling
216. Zwarte Spreeuw - Spotless Starling
217. Wielewaal - Golden Oriole
218. Huismus - House Sparrow
219. Ringmus - Tree Sparrow
220. Vink - Chaffinch
221. Keep - Brambling
222. Kneu - Linnet
223. Frater - Twite
224. Putter - Goldfinch
225. Groenling - Greenfinch
226. Sijs - Siskin
227. Europese Kanarie - Serin
228. Goudvink - Bullfinch
229. Appelvink - Hawfinch
230. Rietgors - Reed Bunting
231. Sneeuwgors - Snow Bunting
232. Geelgors - Yellowhammer
233. Cirlgors - Cirl Bunting
234. Grauwe Gors - Corn Bunting
235. Grijze Gors - Rock Bunting
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
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now I'd like you to qualify these somehow:
Backyard birds
"Best spot"
"most rare"
Most awe-inspiring
hardest to ID
oh, dear, my word Verif is really hard...aoemqpkx
Courtenay, my jedi monkee mind leader,
You should look into Diva-GIS, it is a free Mapping program that is like Arc-View provided by some agricultural biologists in Brazil or some South American country. If you have a GPS, you can take waypoints and enter them into a map (Or you can geolocate using google earth), to create maps with your biogeographical data.
You could come up with maps showing where you have seen the most diversity, or a map that correlates habitat and bird species or whatnot. Maybe even a map correlating outdoor urination in Belgium and it's effect on foraging.
At any rate it is a very cool grassroots biologist tool.
I am trying to motivate myself to start mapping edible plants in North Carolina to prepare for post-oil permaculture.
Laura, THAT is a great idea! And think i'd need to add qualifier for bird IDs that annoyed STijn the most, like when i insist he make an emergency stop on a 2-lane road or turn the car around. It's a wonder our birder/non-birder relationship has lasted this long!!!!
Rob, YOU crack me up! I'm afraid Thijs has taken fondly to urinating outdoors and we could probably make this little foraging study in our own backyard!!! Will have to check out this DIva-GIS -- sounds like a lot of fun.
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