Monday, January 28, 2008

BIG garden birdwatch

This Sunday we counted birds as part of RSPB's BIG garden birdwatch, and had a great time. Alex asked today if i posted the results - both to RSPB and this blog, so here they are -- all 19 species and 50 individuals. Count time was about 1.5 hours. Hoping song thrush, wren, crested tit and goldcrest show up next week for the Flemish bird count!

8 pimplemees - blue tit
4 koolmees - great tit
1 zwarte mees - coal tit
2 glanskop - marsh tit
4 staartmees - long-tailed tit
2 boomklever - nuthatch
1 roodborst - robin
3 heggemus - dunnock
6 groenling - greenfinch
2 vink - chaffinch
2 merel - blackbird
1 grote bonte specht - great spotted woodpecker
1 sijs - siskin
2 keep - brambling
2 halsbandparkiet - ring-necked parakeet
4 houtduif - wood pigeon
1 ekster - magpie
2 kraai - crow
2 gaai - jay

1 comment:

Laura K said...

Pimplemees? Blue Tit?

I feel bad for that darn any language it doesn't carry a very nice name! : )

AND my word verif. starts with VULG...