One of our favorite places to spend a day is at
Commission Ornithologique Watermaal Bosfoort). This weekend they organized a workshop on the importance of feeding birds, especially in the wintertime, although you can hardly call what we have here in Belgium "
Winter" since it rarely drops below 0 celsius. Nevertheless, we feed our birdies LOTS of food because we LOVE em so much - and all year around too - and we LOVE to support groups like this.

Thijs was thrilled to build his feeder all by himself. Now he wants his own shop (in the basement) so he can build feeders to sell around the neighborhood. He also wants to work in a dinosaur museum and be a vet that takes care of birds. Well, at least he doesn't lack ambition!

The girls played a boardgame that involved answering bird-related questions and moving a rubber ducky around on a board - was very cute. I think they surprised themselves (but not me) by how much they knew. They were thrilled to win a bird poster! The game leader was so animated and fun to listen to as he popped off questions in French and Dutch.

Leave it to Thijs to spot a playground anywhere!
Looks fun. My feeders are EMPTY. Even in 8 degree F weather, they are empty. The squirrels chased the red-breasted nuthatches away a month or two ago, and no one has come back since.
Let's make a deal. I'll ship you some tits if you ship us some snow. Just let me know your preference --- great, blue, crested, long-tailed? And how many of each would you prefer?
hee hee
Long-tailed in the greatest abundance, please.
Followed by gret, blue,
and a few crested just for show....
hee hee.
Waiting for redpolls and siskins and crossbills. they are all OVER.
Drat. zsqdrpgm is my word verif.
in the last week, 3 siskins have visited our feeder, plus a brambling. Saw hen and marsh harriers this weekend on bird outing, but got hammered by wind and rain. Was worth it though - so good to get out with birdy pals.
This sounds like an awesome day. By the way, that last post on your birthday spot was from me. Forgot to sign!
Fun to catch up. I haven't been checking as regularly. Sounds like you guys are having FUN!!
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