We could have HOUSE MARTINS (huiszwaluwen in Dutch) nesting on our house next spring!
A biologist from Leuven came to visit this week, and said he'd have 4 artificial nest houses mounted on our house in November (like above, which is on a neighbor's house nearby). Two nests will be placed near our bedroom window, and two will be near the kid's window. Wonder who will get more sleep!
The martins return from Africa next spring, and we'll be luring them to our house with flags, whistles, whatever it takes. The webcam will be ready!
Hi Courtenay !
I just found your blog by chance when surfing on the net ... When I read something about house martins in Tervuren written in English I knew it couldn't be anyone but you.
I'm sure you can't wait untill next spring arrives. 5 more long month to go ...
But it may take a while before they decide to occupy one of your nests. The first house martins arrive late March-early april but they are mostly birds 2 years older or more who already nested the year before. And they usually fly rignt in their former nests. One year old martins come bake later from Africa, in May, June and sometimes even in early July. They are the most likely to start renting one the residence you will hang up for them.
Are you planning on playing a tape recorder to attract them ? It's supposed to help them a lot finding the new nest.
Don't forget to keep me informed.
I'll send you by email with the form I use to try convincing my neigbours to hang up artificial nests. It's both in dutch and french. I just got 3 positive answers lately.
Take care,
Hi Charlie!
What a happy surprise! So good to hear from you and get a positive reaction over the house martins. I was able to convince 4 neighbors to use the nest boxes, and a friend near the big GB in Tervuren is also getting boxes, so did have some success. Would love a copy of your letter, though, as I'd like to try again next spring when the birds are back.
Would love to use a tape recorder and also get a webcam (or 2 or 3 or 4). Will have to talk with you more about this. I'lll email fotos once we have our houses.
happy birding,
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