Awoke the other night to find a roost of Willises in our attic, all giggling and whooping and carrying on. I never knew IKEA fold-outs could sleep 5, but now I've got proof! Well, at least Dad appeared to get some sleep ... or was he was just pretending?

Kids loved having nana and grandaddy for a visit. We spent one afternoon touring the Afrika museum, where there was an exhibit on wood that included about 9 wooden elephants parading around the gardens. This big boy caught my eye (and yours?), so quickly used it as an excuse for a nice family foto. Glad my little boy didn't start playing with the "you know what", because with my luck he would've dismantled it, and then i'd have some BIG explaining to do with the museum folk!

Every night was card night. Kids really loved learning how to play poker and black jack, but we always ran out of play money for betting. By the time we'd get to Go Fish (favorite of Thijs), things would begin to deteriorate quickly as the girls would bore easily ... and before you knew it, cards would disappear under the table, or go flying over it ... and soon it'd be pure mayhem. Then you knew it was time for bed.

Made some nice walks in the woods ... and enjoyed having a moment with nana or grandaddy. At least Alex was taking advantage of the opportunity.

I think Mom and Dad timed their visit to coincide perfectly with the Halloween Wandeling (Belgian-style haunted walk in the woods) because they enjoyed it so much last year. Or was it the pumpkin jenever at the mid-point break? Well, this year we included a pumpkin carving party beforehand, which was enjoyed by all. Our group almost doubled with Alex's family joining. Her husband Mark is a decent man, even though he's pretending to butcher his daughter Caitlin. We managed to survive the evening with no casualtie. But I doubt Dad will want to repeat his pumpkin-head superman costume next year as he was getting alien stares from the Belgian kids. Don't they know a superhero when they see one?
C, this is a great post. You all look so happy and centered. I'm glad for you that you were able to spend great time with your parents. I know it does the soul good.
The chill of winter is setting in...but the sun pokes out today, trying to hang on a little to this unseasonably warm fall.
We'll be going to Ocean City for Thanksgiving this year. Meet me at Cape May?
Miss you lots.
Love, Laura
Cape May would be awesome, but Stijn's already planning a revenge trip for me tromping off to watch cranes in France (not just a few - counts are up to 25,000). I hope to get at least one decent foto!
see you in a week!
miss you,
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