Alex got a pet rat (LULU) this summer, and without a doubt she's been the most entertaining pet we've ever had. The second she's set "free", she begins collecting things. And these are just a few of the things we've come across lately when cleaning out her nest in the corner under a bunch of folded up curtain.
and more paper
and more paper!
3 garlic bulbs
pin cushion, with needles in it
wine corks
more marbles
chewed off bits of leaves
two tea lights (little candles)
thijs's soccer shorts
alex's ballet top
1 pair of phoebe's underwear
assorted socks
a slice of apple
few cheese blocks
Life is never boring with animals in it! My brother had a ferret that did the same thing except he hid everything in a little hammock that he carved from the lining underneath the couch! Things too heavy were just left on the floor underneath the couch. The most interesting thing he tried to hide was a newly bought bag of his food. We caught him right from the beginning of the act of dragging the bag of food across the entire length of the living room. He wore himself out that he couldn't completely pull the bad under the couch!
Sorry about the typo- I meant bag at the end. ha ha- boy do I need to get to bed!
go to bed? at 6:01 in the morning? is that your time or euro time? ouchie ......
yes, animals are great, and now we've got 4, counting the kids!!! They do some pretty funny things too ... there's never a dull moment. Good hearing from you!!!!
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