a few migrants .... known as Brandgans, or Barnacle geese

Nijlgans, or Egyptian geese with chickies!

sweet little kuifeend, or tufted duck

2 black swans?????? You don't even have to go to the zoo!

Fuut, or great crested grebe parent + 1 super COOL chick

Sitting quietly on the edge of the pond, a patient-waiting Ijsvogel, or Kingfisher

I never tire of their splendid irridescent green plumage - it's absolutely captivating!

Squint and you'll see the tiny fish in its beak ...

and what's hiding behind the Nijlgans? Why, a casarca! Or ruddy shellduck ----- another escapee, no doubt, but never mind. I'm grateful to witness this lovely goose anywhere, anytime:)
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