Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The beautiful birds of Coto Donana

the majestic Blauwe ekster, or Iberian wagtail

Distelvink, or Goldfinch - the name doesn't do justice to its splendid colors

Purpurkoet, or Purple swamp-hen - check out those gorgeous red legs

Zwarte ibis, or Glossy Ibis - winner of the most spectacular plummage contest!

Not another Ooievaar!!!! Largest nesting colony of White storks in Europe found here.

photos courtesy of Rene Conings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the wagtail is awesome! I want to see one!

The beetles look amazing. I can see you hunched at the ground, tiny finger pointing the moving creatures.

Will I ever get to that magical place? That I wonder...
