Just the two of us - just Laura and myself - met for 2 full days (+3 part time) of fun and exploring in and around Decatur, GA (that's USA) - which has a small-town atmosphere and a dreaminess about it that suited us just fine.

Part of that explore involved a visit to the High Museum in Atlanta for an exhibit on the women of Alfred (or Albert, i'm so bad w names!) Stieglitz, with Georgia O'Keefe being highlighted. Was so interesting and loads of fun, but an arctic blast froze us to the bone!

Every night was a culinary adventure, and this night at TWO Urban Licks in Midtown brought the tastiest seared tuna and pistachio ice cream cookie dessert - yumm for the tumm

The bevies were worth exploring too -- and this Duck Rabbit brew at the Java Monkey was mind-expanding -- sipped as we leafed through a field guide, recounting tales of Laura's bird sightings in the jungles of Belize!

This wall-size painting (by artist Tom ???? so bad w names again) in TWO was so so so cool, and for me at least, screamed of the opportunities just waiting for the taking. All those birds just waiting to be seen ...
So much beauty in this life ... if only we make the time, and are fortunate enough to experience it.
"So much beauty in this life, if only ... "
What is life, if full of care, we have no time to stop and stare...
What I love about you is that you GET it....
That wall painting FULL of birds at that sophisticated URBAN TWO LICKS restaurant was a sign, Courts. We're meant to do some kick-ass world birding together sometime SOON. What two women could have appreciated that wall more?????? We named every bird on it, methinks!
Oh, the pistachio ice cream cookie...oh my. Do you remember the lamb lollipops? Or the filet mignon with goat cheese? Or the shrimp? Or the burritos? Or the WINE. And the champagna the first night?
Let's not mention the SUSHI that made me break out in hives! : )
Thanks for planning a great trip, Courts! Love you
(btw, it's Alfred Steiglitz)
Yes, the champagne w rose petal sugars melting and aromatizing! That Atlanta security made me recheck - arrrggghhhhhhh!!!!
Yes, yes, yes, YES to all!
It was a critical time to come together and cross-check our lives, and i'm so glad we made it happen.
It's been 3 years since our first creative expansion in NYC, and we can't let the next one go so long.
can we make sunny, warm and birdy a prerequisite?
but are you willing to put up with HIVES again just to be with me?!!!
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