1. GO BIRDING!!!! What could be better than discovering new hides and getting some fresh air? Sint Agatha Rode kijktoren in background -- just 20 mins away --- perfect place to take kids on a little explore, and escape from the hustle and bustle. Views from the tower are very nice indeed.

2. Add a new bird to your LIFE LIST -- instead of debt to your credit card. Bewick's Swans at Sint Agatha Rode (#232 on my WP list) - the 3 birds on the left - can't you see them! They didn't stick around long enough for me to show Stijn and the kids, but at least i have this pic to show they were there (earlier that week), even though you probably can't tell the Bewick's from the Mute's, which are the 2 swans dipping on the right.

3. Get DIRTY! Finally figured out HOW to get our kids outdoors - w good old-fashioned M-U-D! After 1 hour they were covered in mud and DELIRIOUS with joy. Yes, the mud DID go over Phoebe's boots and Alex's white pants DID come clean after several washings. They can't wait to go back!

4. Say oom. If getting OUT isn't an option (bad weather, no time, etc.) then go IN! There's nothing like some time with Rodney Yee, guru of power yoga, or just some slow, deep breathing in a full or 1/2 lotus, whichever you prefer. That's my little Buddha!

5. If all else fails, there's always Sleep.
your ideas are great.
we plan to walk, ski, swim, and sit around a fire on Christmas.
Should we have balogna for dinner?
You know what my kids want for xmas dinner, don't you? Why, of course, the chocolate-kip fondue dip!!!! Your brilliant discovery!
And don't forget the peanut butter to top it off - now that's a complete meal if i say so myself.
and did i hear you say to drink a Leffe for you? or two ...
have a wonderful holiday!
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