Some photos (although not mine) to cheer my snowbound friends in North America who are probably huddling by the fire and doing anything they can just to stay warm. My grandma in Virginia said it was supposed to dip to 16 F while here it hit 16 C! Signs of spring are everywhere as a group of 15 redwings visited our garden a few weeks back, as well as one lone male bullfinch. I wondered if it was the same male that visited our bird table last spring!

The blue tits have been actively checking out my nest boxes for weeks now. It seems that no sooner do i lay down to catch a rest that one of the little guys starts pecking away at the entrance to the nest box. We have 2 boxes - one on our patio and one in a huge conifer. Last year they fledged 5 from the conifer box.

Goldfinches have already made an appearance, although i haven't seen one in the field yet. I don't get them at my feeder like i did the American Goldfinch - what a shame.

The vlinders (butterflies) are already emerging. I think i saw this species yesterday. Seems early but it's been so warm here that it comes as no surprise.

I think spring is a long time off for us. We drove home in lake effect snow most of the 5-hour trip. It's very cold here today, but will get into the high 30s by the end of the week. HEAVEN! Luckily, we had a bit of a "warm streak" while we were in the Adirondacks. It was actually in the 20s both days and we really had a great time skiing! Hope your week away was great too (or is that this coming week??)
Rochelle, so glad to hear you had fun skiing and weren't frozen to death, although 20's is pretty cold! Didn't we talk about driving home in a snowstorm? Can't wait to hear about your ski trip -
We drove to and from in a snow storm, but otherwise, had a great time! Yes, 20s is cold, but when it can easily get to -20 there, we were thrilled! The boys really took to skiing and we're going to try to hit Bristol Mountain (only 40 minutes from here) Wednesday to let them give it another go. I'm thrilled they both liked it. Much to my surprise (and his), I think Nathaniel even enjoyed it more than Jonathan!
More later via e-mail!!
Those pictures are beautiful! Wish we had those bullfinches in our yard! The robins have been migrating through our area, which is always a sign Spring is on its way. Mom
Thanks for the images and well wishes for Spring...i keep on waiting. Today we are hitting 40 degrees F, so it is a bit of a tease!
Reviewing my bird calls and getting excited about spring birding. I plan to use my free time to explore new places to birdwatch and will take you there this summer.
mom - it was great to hear about your great backyard bird watch and all the birds you saw. Maybe one of these days i'll get horned grebes in my back yard too!
L/R - looking forward to birdwatching/walking this summer but wish we could do it earlier! I've been lazy about listening to my bird CDs - thanks for motivation, L
The birds are going nuts in my yard today. It is 17.2 degrees Celsius (63 F for us new world primates)! Maybe the birdies are mad that I didn't get that feeder at Target last week.
I need to brush up on my ID, because one of the birds was a tiny little green guy with a white wing bar and reminded me of an ACFL. My bird book is in the van with Jen at work, because I was referencing it to draw a turkey vulture.
I am obsessed with turkey vultures these days. The Biotech CEOs and technicians buzzing around in their Mitsubishi SUV's and Lexus' (Lexii?) run over deer on their commute through the woods of the Research Triangle and the turkey vultures love it. I think I might start a blog documenting the rise of vultures in RTP. Unfortunately, after a few days the county workers remove the carcass. :(
rob in NC
I'm envious of your close encounters with turkey vultures in the research triangle. You do not know how much I MISS THEM! Vultures have very limited distributions (and southerly) in Europe and most are of conservation concern. I'm hoping to see some in Gibraltar.
Maybe you can talk the county workers into throwing the carcass in the woods where nobody would see it but the vultures could still indulge?
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