Let's keep this short and sweet, shall we? This is how i'd like my obit. to read although hopefully not for SOME time. However, the last part will take more work if we're going to make that happen - that's where my dreams come into play. Here goes. Don't blink or you'll miss it!
She married a dutchman who loved to travel, loved birds more than anything, and died by a salt marsh.
Yes, that's all folks!
Is that simple or what?
Well, actually, the last part runs deeper than it reads. There are lots of ways to "die", so to speak.
The literal translation might have been the first thought that came to mind. And it's not a bad thought since i'd love to live and die by an estuary and have my ashes cast off as the seabirds fly overhead and sing my eulogy. You'd just have to listen to them and drink a toast.
Then there are figurative translations, like "dying in a pose", which means to achieve peace with yourself like when in a yoga pose. When i first heard the expression, "dying in a pose", it struck a chord so deep i couldn't get past it for weeks. I think this is what i was feeling when this phrase came out. I'm getting closer to feeling that inner peace, but we're not there yet. I'm always looking though. Just like the man, i'm always looking ...
There it is.
Have you been up writing past midnight with wine, candlelight, and slow jazz?
How do you resolve the ideal of living in stillness and inner peace with "being all you can be" and achieving all the great things your spirit whispers to you in the night?
All I can say is don't die. I need more cute pictures of you in boats and with binoculars to inspire me while searching for jobs on the web. Apparently peeps in Southeast Asia dig you too! :) :)
Have you seen the Grizzly Man movie? His buddies spread his ashes out on the Alaskan tundra. The movie was entertaining for me, but you have done more for people and conservation then this whacko who had a movie made about him.
L- only Leffe, no music - i believe more in the duality of nature than unity - accepting both sides of the equation just seems more holistic to me. I want to make a difference on a small scale, like one student at a time. Easier to keep the peace that way.
R - no, i haven't seen the Grizzly man movie, but sounds like something that would generate a lot of excitement in our household. Isn't your bday just around the corner - like the 17th? I remember we were close - mine's the 11th. Happy bird-day to you!
Happy Birthday!
Sure wish I was there with you. But I partied enough with Leffe and thoughts of you on Friday. Sat. found me back in my sickbed. This cold won't go away!
Hope YOUR day is better.
Happy Birthday wishes to you!
Peace love and fried chicken from the Southland.
Happy birthday to you, Rob! Drink one of your awesome home-brews for me, will ya puh-lease? just topped off a nice Grimbergen - yummmmm.....
It's a little hard for a mother to even vaguely think about her darling daughter's obit, so I'll just say I loved the picture of you in the boat! Mom
Ouch, yeah, this one bruised all of us a bit, didn't it? But we get what you meant...just don't go anywhere, okay? NOT ALLOWED.
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