The kids have seen Sinterklaas twice already! This morning he made an appearance at their school and gave them all snoepjes. And they also saw him 2 weeks ago at a Dutch party, where he gave each child a present and told them whether they'd been naughty or nice. This Sint was dressed a bit alternatively. I've never seen one wearing purple gloves!
The second the kids got home from school today they were busy writing briefs and making tekenings. Phoebe brought home a shoe she'd decorated as zwarte Piet at school. Oh, and they made sure the flue was open so the Piets could get down the chimney (Sint leaves the dirty work up to them).
Now I better get to bed since I know they'll be up at the break of dawn wanting to read the letter(s) left by the Sint and find any goodies he left behind. Stijn, I could really use you right now for the early morning shift! It's payback time!
IN his former life, Sinter Klaas used to be the Pope of Turkey.
What?, says Sedaris. First of all, Santa did not have any PREVIOUS life. He is not RETIRED from anything...
I'm sure this audio file will become a family favorite once the kids grow up and can appreciate the humor. It's nice they're getting to experience Sinterklaas but it's killing the bank account. Downsizing the zwarte Piets is crucial next year so I can get my sanity back.
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