Drew these boxes as part of an assignment on perspective last week in my drawing class. Idea is to create depth on a 2-dimensional surface, which sounds easier than it is. First, I drew the boxes sitting on a table on a piece of white sketch paper but wasn't thrilled with the table. So decided to cut out the boxes and set them on a black background that I colored with waxy pastels. It looks a bit collagy, but at least the table is flat and looks more interesting.
To take my mind off of opening the boxes that arrive between now and xmas, maybe I'll just practice drawing them! I could use that idea for the kids too, since they're far worse than I am when it comes to opening anything that comes through the door. And maybe instead of "color Santa contests" we could have "draw the box contests"! Now there's a thought that will get me nowhere.
Be careful. If you open them early, a bishop from Turkey will hit you with a switch and pretend to kick you.
I know what you mean! I can't get through the door without opening my Christmas cards. I love hearing updates from my friends and family far away! Enjoy!!
Courtenay, if you're trying to 'guilt' me into letting you open the box we sent --- nope, no way, nuh-uh, not gonna give in. You'll all just have to WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS!
Now, if Mom can't wait, how can she teach patience to her little bambinos, hmmmmm?????
BTW: those boxes look great. I thought they were real.
Can you believe Kristina and Co. will be dining with us in a mere 30 minutes?
Transcontinental Pandemonium happening!
(I just got out the most embarrassing college photos, too!)
... or worse (if you open pres early), the Sint will shove you in his bag and take you back to Turkey! Oh, but that only applies to Dec. 5th - darn. It might explain why my kids behave better before the 5th than the 25th. Santa Claus just doesn't offer parents enough threats to use on their kids!
Laura, now don't get any ideas with those photos!
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