Thursday, November 09, 2006

return of the Democrats


Thank you America for restoring our faith. I guess we can move back to the states now. Oops, not just yet ... Bush is still in the White House.

May the entire universe be filled with peace, joy, love and light. Oh Shanti.


Anonymous said...

It is a grand day, although my democratic hopeful for the house didn't make it. We actually still have 3 Republican House reps from upstate. Shame on us! I tried...

Off to IN.

Anonymous said...

It's been so exciting following the news of the elections. Was glad to see such a high voter turnout in Ohio - impressive. Hopefully this will bode well for the environment. Look forward to hearing about your trip!

PK said...

I know what you mean. I'm proud of my (our) people again. How is the war crimes indictment for Rumsfeld coming along over there?

But you don't have to wait until Bush is gone to come back.
Just lay low. Don't make any sudden movements or wear any progressive T-shirts and you should be OK.
