We got to talking one afternoon while sitting on scuba tanks, waiting our turn to dive in murky Lake Rosa near Gainesville. I remember the threadbare tropical yellow shirt he was wearing, along w his shorts, which looked equally worn. He had a big smile and little squinty eyes just like you see here. Those are the kind of eyes I knew I could trust (except when he wants the last Leffe!).
That night we stood in line together to turn in our scuba tanks for what seemed like hours. I decided, for whatever reason, to try to throw him in the swimming pool that was next to us and just begging for this to happen. I'm strong enough, I thought, and besides, he'll be a gentleman and let me get away with it. But no, after a good fight I was the one standing dripping wet in the pool, and he was still dry, happy as a clam and laughing at me, no doubt. I knew then that I'd met my match, and that he had the strong personality I'd been looking for (ok, but you can admit you're wrong now and again Stijn!).
Happy Anniversary lovie! Glad we're travelling again liked we loved to do so much when we first met. Those trips are the best thing for our relationship - and my bird list!

Great story. You guys are great!
*why do all my word verifications have the letter Q in them? The q is the hardest letter in alphabet for me to type.
Happy belated anniversary, Courts & Stijn! I love that story!
Happy Anniversary!
Hi courtenay,
check out this blog
drunken housewife- "I am a rock star"
I thought you might find this funny.
oh yes! added it to my favorites - thanks!
woops! i forgot to sign that last comment.
this blog rocks! I am becoming republican at my hospital job, but I still loveth the courteth and the stijnith!
for shizzle!
viva la americana!
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