Now I understand why everyone jumps ship in July/Aug. The weather is deplorable, the slugs grow to monsterlike proportions and consume anything they can slime onto, and nobody is here. There were times when it was a struggle to find friends for the kids to play with. Everyone was on vacation for 3-4 weeks!
We've definitely learned our lesson. Next year we'll navigate these months with much better planning and use of Stijn's hard-earned frequent flyer miles! I don't regret the summer we had (lemonade stands in the rain, cycling in the mud, creating fairy camps in our garden to make up for the friends that were all "weg", swimming on the trampoline). It's just that I don't want to repeat it, necessarily!

Tommorrow will be Riley and Isaac's first full week of school. They are transitioning nicely into the NC school system.
I am working as a temp mapping and attempting to eradicate the tropical spiderwort at NCSU's center for environmental farming in Goldsboro, NC.
I am waiting to hear back about a job that could entail running physiological tests on trees of the Cerrado in Brazil! Sounds like a joke but it might just be possible.
And i am wondering why you are not brewing some lambics up with those indigenous radical microbes that are so special in belguim.
Happy Day! Next year you can come to Rochester and enjoy our rain instead. Of course, it's raining everywhere right now with the hurricanes coming up the coast.
Have a great first day with all three kids in school. I started classes at Nazareth. Am a little overwhelmed learning about two different campuses, everything there is (e-mail, web system to report grades, find class rosters etc.), but it'll be easy as pie next time around, I suppose!
More soon.
wob - my kids wanna know if trees can feel pain when they're cut down. Can you find out and get back to us?
Rochelle - yes, if the flooding on the East coast this spring wasn't bad enough! Good luck w teaching!
Hi courtenay,
I sure your kids have moved on to bigger ponderings, but I do think that trees feel pain. Although the goverment will not support this research because they have enough problems with PETA. Additionally, the nervous system of a plant is so alien to us that it may not even be remotely similar to pain as we know it.
If I find out anything new I will let you know.
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