Nobody wanted to play with the kids at school, they were constantly getting sick, and schoolwork was a challenge, esp. tests in a foreign language, which Alex failed miserably at first. Friends of mine already moved away. Parents of 3 new friends died. It was one hardship after another.
To boot, I missed my friends and family something terrible (hence, the reason for this blog!), and the 6 h time difference didn't make it any easier to stay in touch. I just wanted to live on the telephone, but it never seemed to ring. But thank you, sincerely, to everyone who called.
Now, 12 months later, I can confidently say that our ship has landed. We all call this place home, even though I'll always feel like Belgians look at me like I have horns growing out of my head, which is their problem, don't you think? Dad seems more relaxed than ever, which is directly correlated with being closer to family and farther from headquarters. Mom's learning how to relax, through her birdwatching (100 EU birds), yoga, tai chi and drawing. Alex and Phoebe have become best friends wout knowing it, and Thijs is beginning to assert himself. The bottom line: life is good.
And how did we celebrate this day? After a trip to Boudewijn seapark (http://www.boudewijnseapark.be) to celebrate Alex's 9th birthday, we drove north to the coast of Belgium (Blankenberge), where we found a little hole-in-the-wall eatery in the dunes and devoured bowls of spaghetti while watching a lightening storm. When the storm cleared, we walked on the beach and played in the surf (where photo taken).
It might sound funny, but I think both Stijn and I really needed to see the coast ... and walk on the wide-open beach, feel the stiff ocean breeze, hear the crashing waves, and (for me, at least) get that last no. 100 bird! You see, although Stijn isn't a birder, he's sympathetic to my bird-watching passion. So off I marched with my binoculars (verrekijkers), and before long I saw it flying over a marshy field as I walked over the dunes -- the Blauwe Kiekendief, or Northern Harrier.
Finally, I reached my goal of 100 new EU birds. Everyone was happy. What a way to end the year.

What a fabulous day! Sounds really good. Wrapping it up here. Packers come tomorrow and movers Tuesday. All is good. Tom says he has met many neighbors and everyone seems really nice. There are boys 10 and 11 across the street as well as others around. I only hope we too will adjust in such a way (although I guess I could skip all the tough stuff in the beginning).
Thanks for sharing your life this past year. It's been a great way to stay in touch.
Courts, I am sitting here finding it hard to believe that you've been gone an entire year. I guess your quick stop to hawk Mtn. in April helped ease the separation anxiety I felt! It has been more than fun hearing about your adventures, both inward and outward, as you settled in your new home. And you know I'll be there for the next journey, as well.
So looking forward to seeing you in December.
Your friend, Laura
It's incredible to think that we've all moved in the same direction this past year. Think we could use a 3-way blog to keep up with everyone's journeys. Know I wouldn't be where I am today wout your support and inspiration! Good luck with your settling in, Laura and Rochelle - can't wait to hear more.
Congrats on weathering your first year! Time sure flies when you're uprooting your life, I always say.
I love the picture of Phoebe and the balloons (two blogs ago!
Thanx millions for the tix. We're anxiously waiting to use them!
That is a great story to hear. I am glad everyone is getting there "Belgian on". I really like the part about imaginary horns being on your head. What the world doesnt worship americans? In case you forgot what it is to be an american, here is a world map==>
American World Map
Anyways, I have not been inspired to blog very much, but I do waste time on the useless myspace thingy.
-rob a.
rob, i always know where to go for a laugh! will have to share that map w my EU friends-
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