They're attracted to porch lights, and in the evening you can hear their huge bodies crashing into the windows as they're quite clumsy flyers. They're big (25-35 mm long) and they have the coolest antennae which flare out w multiple lobes. They make a buzzing sound when they fly which makes the kids scream with delight. We haven't tied string to their legs and witnessed their aireal displays (as they go round and round) but I'm thinking about it as the kids would get such a thrill. Got that idea from former student Rob Adair! See what useful skills I'm learning during my sabbatical?
Phoebe's keeping these 2 adults in her bug bin and checking on them everyday, while mommy is just waiting for one to die so she can pin it and add it to her insect collection. I have to have something to show for all my hard work while staying at home!

1 comment:
I miss junebugs! Rob and I are so excited to be moving back east where the kids will get to experience june and lightning bugs again. Only 8 more weeks til our eastward haul. Oh and hats, or should I say 'shirts' off to you for baring yourself in public! You are a far braver soul than I!
Cheers, Jen
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