Check out the metallic green gold color, striate elytra and menacing mouthparts and sideways-facing eyeballs. The girls were as excited as I was, and we tried to get it home so we could show Thijs, Dad, and Oma & Opa who were visiting. But I didn't want to carry it the whole way, not knowing if it would release some foul and irritating chemical (which it did!) or if it might sink its mandibles into my skin. I did pick it up to show the girls, and it left the most disgusting smell! Alex said it smelled like a fahrt, but I think worse. The little guy was feisty and refused to sit quietly in Alex's bicycle basket, so unfortunately we didn't get to bring it home. Hopefully we'll be lucky enough to see another one of these days.

Neat beetle.
Just found your blog the other day. I was thinking of Acadian Flycatchers having seen one at Magee Marsh.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
(201,000 Tercel miles and growing)
Hey Sean! I just realized your comment never posted because I accidentally hit the "comment moderation" button (or didn't know what it meant). At any rate, I finally found your comment! So good to hear from you and glad the Tercel is still zipping along. Sure do miss you and the flycatchers!
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