Donned in mudboots and costumes (Marlies as Jasmine, Thijs as Simba, Phoebe as a ballerina, Alex as a streetdancer, and Max as Max!) the kids found the plastic easter eggs filled w/ chocolate in the garden and were buzzing around like bees and bouncing on the trampoline for the next hour. This presented a rare moment for the parents to catch up and enjoy a Leffe or Duvel on the patio. Our typical Belgian weather day was topped off with typical Belgian food . . . frites, krokette, sla - smakelijk! It wasn't your standard Easter fare, but it did the trick and sure tasted good. Hartstikke Leuk as the Dutch would say!

We had a very boring Easter, but loved being tourists in DC. We saw Memorials on Saturday along with a quick cruise of the Natural History Museum and American History Museum. Sunday we saw Arlington National Cemetary as well as Mount Vernon. And the highlight - Monday we saw the baby panda Tai Shen (I think that is how you spell it) at the zoo. What fun. Your weekend sounds nice to be with family. I told my mom and dad that it will be fun to have them away from us b/c then we will actually have family to see on holidays. As it stands now, they always travel to Indy!
... and your family will probably stay for longer visits, which will be nice. I remember when our parents would come to Ohio and stay for 2 weeks, just enough time to get the spring garden in shape! Sounds like you had a great trip to D.C.!
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