On a positive note, spring has arrived in Belgium! The weather is noticeably warmer and the leaves are finally coming out. A beautiful forest flower called the wood anemone bloomed last week, and today I saw my first Egyptian geese chicks.
Shorebirds are moving through as well. I saw the Little ringed plover and the Common sandpiper, but not until I ran home to get my binoculars. It figures that the birds show up when I go for walks without my bins! Luckily my favorite waterbird pond is just 5 mins. away by bike so I was able to zip back before they flew away. But they weren't the only good finds: Two White wagtails, a Grey wagtail and 2 Lapwings were feeding nearby, and a blackcap was singing it's heart out in a bush just behind me. The birds were happy the sun was out too!
Great crested grebe, Little grebe, Canada goose, Mandarin duck, Mallard, Shoveler, Tufted duck, Pochard, Common shelduck, Mute swan, Coot, and Moorhen rounded out the waterbird list. It was the kind of day where you never wanted to go inside.

Great news on the spring arrivals.
Sorry that Max is laid up with a broken arm. May it someday be his badge of honor, however.
Having never broken a bone, I have missed out on many a storytelling that starts with "One time I broke my..."
It sure has. The daffodils are almost done here. I got your card yesterday. Thanks! So fun to get the mail.
I am still thinking of the Jones' family. What a tragedy.
Jonathan had his own mishap today - although it didn't require a trip to the ER, thankfully. He was using his whittling knife this morning at 7 a.m. after having gone to bed a 1:30 A.M. to cut off the tags on his one gift (you know those annyoing little tags that are impossible to get off) and cut himself. Thankfully he had his watch on so it minimized the damage. Anyway, I woke up at 8 to him coming into my room crying. Other than that and the coke fight in the backyard (yes, similar to a water fight, but with coke), the boys had a good time at the sleepover and I survived by myself with Tom out of town.
Ok - have a good week.
Jonathan reminds me of my brother Beau, who we always said was like a cat with 9 lives - he was always having mishaps the way Jonathan does. I still remember when Jonathan took a serious tumble on his bike going down the hill by Newport Lake - just thinking about it makes me cringe. Glad to hear the knife incident wasn't serious and that he had a nice birthday.
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