Wednesday, March 01, 2006


My blog wouldn't be complete without a story about our canine companion, Roger, who was put to sleep for medical reasons before our move. I found Roger by the library at Kent State University. He looked emaciated, smelled like the sewer, had worms, and had been abused by his former owner, judging from his submissive behavior.

After a visit to the vet, I took him home and hid him in the basement until my husband returned from work. We already had one dog and I was anxious about his reaction to dog #2. He didn't get home until after 10 pm, but I still insisted he go to the basement and see what I found that day. When he opened the door and saw Roger, it knocked him flat. But who could say no to such a handsome and snuggly character, who quickly became an integral part of the family. The kids still talk about Roger from time to time, and we all miss him very much. Thanks Roger, for a wonderful 15 years! Posted by Picasa


Laura K said...

Courtenay, remember when your vet delivered Roger in his box to your door when I didn't even know Roger had been put down?

That freaked me out, but you laughed! Poor Roger. I loved that good old dog. Getting misty-eyed just thinking about it.

slo birder said...

laughter is sometimes a sign of one being uncomfortable in a certain situation, and I think the situation you describe was uncomfortable for both of us. Yes, I get misty-eyed too when I think about my old friend.

Anonymous said...

Courtenay, I'm so glad you included Roger in your blogs. We had many long walks together, exploring your neighborhood in Boardman & around the lake. When I used to do my walks around the lake, Roger loved to accompany me, even though it was hard for him to get up some of the steep steps. He was a faithful friend & Dad & I miss him.

slo birder said...

Thanks Mom - I know how much you and dad enjoyed seeing Roger during your visits. Am sure it brought back many happy memories of your dogs back on the farm.