Across the lake was another pair of GCG engaged in a bout of courtship display. They didn't seem as far along as the first pair. Their displays didn't last as long and their movements weren't as well synchronized. Sometimes the male would turn his head as if to preen his back, but the female only imitated this movement 1/4 times. Maybe she just wasn't in the mood. It will be interesting to see if both pairs nest successfully on the same pond.
The fourth pair of GCG were actively involved in nest-building, and didn't mind that I was watching from < 50 m away. The male dove underwater and pulled up marshy plants to toss on the nest. The female waited patiently near the nest, sometimes collecting little bits if she didn't have to swim too far. Her main job was to rearrange the material as to her liking. There definitely was a division of labor, and it reminded me of how Stijn and I do the laundry!
The final count gave 5 pairs of grebes and 3 unmated males. With little shoreline development along the lakes, it will be possible to get picture-perfect views of the nesting behavior of these magnificent waterbirds. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for picnics in the park w/ the digiscope all set up and ready to go. Oh, and don't forget the kids!

The BIG YEAR: 2025! When you turn 60 and I am too!
Miss you! Glad to see your keen observational skills are still being put to good use for the birds. Would love to see these birdies with you.
I got some good birding in at the Wilds in central Ohio on Friday. My blog tells all.
Let's skype soon. Laura
Stijn - now that's a good reason to start saving!
Laura - it's prob. better we're not watching the grebes together. People would wonder what's the matter with us, squeeling like a couple of teenagers and jumping up and down! Great skyping with you!
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