Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Phoebe + Jackie - summer 2030 - destination tba Posted by Picasa


Laura K said...

Hey Courts,

I am SO excited about your blog. I have double checked it every day for a week, with growing anticipation, but my screen never refreshed, so I had NO IDEA you had new stuff. I was getting BUMMED. I had sent you the URL for your profile pic (you're stunning, BTW) and thought you'd post right away....apparently you did. Thanks to Paul, he told me you updated. Muy excelente.

This picture of Phoebes and Jackie is currently my computer desktop picture so I get to see these wonderful fat, succulent cheeks and lips every day. Few things bring me more joy. Very few things.

Are you working on Phoebe's dowry? I am teaching Jack to be a gentleman and to wipe the seat after he tinkles. I can't wait for the wedding...they are meant to be.

Anonymous said...


This picture is TOO CUTE! I have loved reading your blogs! Mom