Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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slo birder said...

Stijn was in U.S. on Feb. 14th, 2006, but at least being together on the internet is better than not being together at all!

Laura K said...

Oh my god, I love it. I love you! So excited you decided to blog. What a way to be virtually connected.

You have an excellent, meaningful beginning. Keep it going!

Gotta watch American Idol tonight. But at least the kids ate all their dinner. One fight diverted.

Your friend from Ohio,


Laura K said...

The world waits with baited breath for your first real post....hint hint. Put the kids in the closet and WRITE, darnit!
Laura : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Courtenay! I love your blog! So glad to hear things are going well. You sound happy. We are happy for you but miss you in the neighborhood. Hugs to all!
Liz Holter

slo birder said...

I miss you too Liz! I hope all is well and will be in touch. Big hugs to Sam! xoxo

Anonymous said...


This is a great picture of the two of you! I hope you find whatever it is you are seeking in life. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Lovie,

What an inspiration you are to all of us. I miss so little because you are with me. Simple but true.



slo birder said...

Thanks Stijn and everyone - it's great hearing from you!