During easter break, we visited de Panne near the French border (Westhoek natuurreservaat), and got a much-needed dose of nature. Thanks to these donkeys and other grazers, the kids were happily entertained while hiking about!
Scattered around the dunes were green oases (although not looking so "green" here), filled w migrants like whitethroat, blackcap, chiffchaff, willow warbler, grasshopper warbler, stonechat, crested lark.
The kids just wanted to play on the beach, but our planned detour through the dunescape to search for grazers (wild ponies for Phoebe) delayed us 1.5 h reaching the beach, but as you can see, the kids didn't suffer too much.
Bont zandoogje is the Flemish name for this vlinder ---- and they were everywhere. Not a rarity by any means, but definitely a beauty.
Alex was so happy to rescue this toad on the road and deliver it to safety, near the Nachtegaal (Nightingale) visitor center. We heard so many nightingales!!!!! But saw not a one ....
The willow warblers grow like weeds here, but they wouldn't behave and give me a decent foto. Always hiding a beak or a tail ..... guess i need more patience.
Duindoorn, which translates to dune thorn, but again i should look up the proper English name, was spectacular in bloom, and overgrew the trails at Oosthoekduin natuurreservaat, creating the most picturesque views.
love this shot of father and son ...
The kestrel was hard at work, and so fun to watch. We waited and waited for him to make a kill and were thoroughly entertained by his aerial dynamics.
The dunes, sands shifting, winds blowing .... nothing lasts for long here ... which only adds to the charm and beauty.
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