Thanksgiving has to be my favorite American holiday.
Today I enjoyed it more than ever, even though i missed out on the family tradition of cooking a massive turkey stuffed to its gills with delectable stuffing and swimming in a sea of sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce and divine gravy. Oh, and don't forget the pumpkin pies and the college football games that seem to go for days on end, and even tho I'm no football fan, it's the chill factor that's so inviting. I usually slept through most of the games, dozing in and out of REM while cheers erupted in the background ...
Started the day by thinking of all I'm grateful for ... always beginning with family and friends, and going from there - could've written a book! Stijn and I had a nice walk round the lake and a quick cuppa before he headed for the dentist and I to the markt for more sweet potatoes, celery and tin foil. Back home - cooking sweet potatoes - deciding it's too nice to slave over the kitchen - grabbing the camera, and what do i discover .... the moment I've been waiting for ...
The huiszwaluw nests!!!!! (huiszwaluw=Dutch for
house martin (
Delichon urbica))
What a day of GIVING! Felt like I was about to give birth again - those motherly instincts flooding back. We could have babies come spring!!! I was overcome by feelings of joy! I really felt sparks flying out of my head I was so happy.

But just look what it took to get those nests! CHECK OUT the size of this huge tractor. Should've heard her rumble. The lengths we go to for for our feathered friends ... but at least this effort was funded by the city of Tervuren, for which I'm eternally grateful. Took 2 hours to drive that MOTHER from Tienen (only 45 km away)!

First the overhang plank went up because historically the house martins nested on cliff ledges, and they're accustomed to overhangs of at least 30 cm. Was relieved when they hung that board, because they were having problems with sinking 2 of the screws deep enough. Then they hung the nest houses, 4 altogether, although only 1 is visible from this vantage point (kids bedroom window!). Deep belly breathing got me through ... at least my yoga's going to good use.

One worker seemed to be getting a little nervous, and by this time was making cell phone calls, maybe to tell his wife he'd be back a few minutes late, because some American birder in Tervuren had to custom-fit a look-alike cliff ledge, and it wasn't going all that smoothly. Each job would probably last <30 mins. but that wasn't the case here.

Last but not least was the little plank beneath the nest. And what do you suppose this is for? NO, no, no, not to catch chicks that might prematurely fledge, but to catch their feces before they land on your carport or foul your garden. Figured it never hurts to be tidy, so agreed to have these installed.

Success! Or relief! Either way you look at it, the result is 4 beautiful new homes for house martins when they return from Africa this spring.
What a great day this ThanksGIVING has been!