Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Griffon vultures in Belgium and Holland

Keep on birding has beautiful photos of the Griffon vultures that visited northern Europe last week. They're gone already, but it's been speculated that they ventured north in search of food. Unfortunately they weren't any more successful up here! When we moved to Belgium I remember thinking to myself, "where's all the roadkill?" You just don't see many dead animals on the road, and large mammals have all been driven out or to extinction (small deer still around).

In March I saw Griffon vultures in Spain when I was birding with a Belgian bird club. Was the first vulture I'd seen in Europe. The sight of them almost brought me to tears. Didn't realize how much I missed seeing vultures! Remember watching a group of Turkey vultures devour a fawn (young deer) in Ohio in less than 1 hour. From that moment on I've always had the greatest respect for these amazing creatures.


Anonymous said...

These vultures have a very substantial look about them....larger than life.

This must have been the model used by Disney animators for The Jungle Book. Remember those four, Beatle-esque vultures sittin' on the limb?

"What'cha gonna do?"

"I dunno. What chyew gonna do?"

"I dunno."

It's fun keeping up with your birding this way. I love it.

slo birder said...

I totally agree. Griffons are some mean-looking birds, aren't they? They look like they mean business and you don't wanna be part of it! It was news to me that they don't use smell to locate their food!

Anonymous said...

I recorded a song with juicyharp just for you. It resides at this internets address -->



Anonymous said...

Rob - can I have some of your energy? That song is loaded!