Thursday, June 07, 2007

back home

Spent last weekend in Virginia ... rode planes, trains, and automobiles (public transport decent around DC) ... got really hot, which i'm not used to, but didn't mind too much ... ate the most delicious barbecue pork w beans, soft-shelled crab, deviled eggs, chicken salad and drank sweetened iced tea ... and had the unique opportunity to talk one-on-one with my family and friends since i was travelling solo and could finish a sentence or two - was wonderful to melt back into the family again! Especially great to see ...

my grandma Phoebe and Dad, with a combined 173 years between them! Seeing grandma's face light up when she saw me put 10 more years on my life

my grandma Mimi and Mom, looking better than i did w jetlag, but how could i sleep when i could be watching free in-flight movies!

my brothers Beau and John and the beautiful river beyond - wasn't too keen on the kissing suggestion, but as you can tell here, i didn't mind too much. Figure you've got to get those kisses while you can -

my nieces and nephews (Paige, FL Catesby, John, Sophie, Hugh, VA Catesby, and little Charlie), who are all growing up too fast and doing too amazing things - like Catesby going to tumbling nationals again this year!

+ old friends Lenka and Nien, newly engaged, still w time and space in their life to finish a sentence or two - congrats!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip. See you in July!

Laura K said...

Hey Courts!
I'd finish my comment here on your blog, but I have to go break up a fight/wipe a snotty nose/find someone's backpack/do the laundry/find the soccer pads/help max on computer/plan a playdate/schedule swim lessons/take Jack to Dr./vacuum the mini-van/shop for groceries/buy paul beer...

I might be done with all this by the time you visit!

slo birder said...

will be so fun to see my girlfriends again ... you don't know how much I'm looking forward to it, however "it" turns out to be. Doesn't really matter, does it? Just being together is all that matters. It will be great.