Wednesday, May 23, 2007

like my new eyes?

got new glasses today
watched slugs mating
made monoprints of golden Siberian cranes and pink bugs
read Harry Potter to kids
thought about cutting the grass
but swept the sidewalk instead since now i can see all the dirt my Belgian neighbor can see!


Laura K said...

Frickin' LOVE your new specs. Can I get some too?

slo birder said...

sure, but without the price tag - ouch. I'm not one to splurge, but these just felt right and i have to wear them every day, right!! You'd love my optometrist - he's youngish and hipster and sells Zeiss bins - too bad he's not my boyfriend! Had my eye on a pair of compacts but did NOT even dare to go there - not yet, at least!

Anonymous said...

They look awesome Courtenay. Can't wait to see you in July. I love the new picture of you.
Laura and I are going walking on Saturday. I hope we can find at least one day to go while you are here. Such great places around here...

Anonymous said...

Very nice! They really suit you. Comfortable specs are a value at twice the price, I've had glasses that were okay in the store and not so great afterwards and spent the next couple of years regretting my choice.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again John on your promotion, and thanks a million for the yoga inspiration. I've become a huge fan of Rodney Yee's and love all his work. We're keeping up our yoga "night" but doubt we'll ever get a lotus as good as yours!

Yes, Rochelle, we'll take a nice long walk because we deserve it. Maybe we can all camp out in the backyard one night if it's not too hot/rainy - oops, except our camp stuff is here - oh well, at least it's a great idea!