Tuesday, May 15, 2007

a golden day

Each year I go birding on Mother's Day (which happens to be on the same weekend as World Migratory Bird Day!), and this past Sunday I saw some spectacular spring migrants. The kids didn't mind too much and Stijn was just happy i did the lawn and shopping to give him a break. I did miss our breakfast in bed, which has become our way of celebrating a special day. I was up too early even to get my favorite: hot tea in bed - what a pity.

As always, I was hoping to get some new species, as well as see some old bird friends, both feathered and unfeathered. An early morning bird walk on Saturday along a small restored creek (Kleine Gete te Eliksem), gave Icterine warbler and skylark, plus 30+ other species. Very pleasant.

Grote Karekiet, or Great reed warbler, was my prize for getting up at 5:30 am on mother's day to visit Het Vinne (freshwater marsh). Following that, I helped with a bird survey near Hoegaarden (where the beer is made), where I picked up marsh warbler and the star of the day ... drums rolling ... the GOLDEN ORIOLE! And here it is, shown in WIKI files ... isn't it absolutely splendid! My first Old World Oriolidae - just 19 more species to go - does the thought give you goosebumps too?


Anonymous said...

oh my god, I'm drooling for that bird, Courtenay!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, C. Sounds like you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

sure miss you guys - the birding has been good lately, and that's keeping my spirits afloat, but a night out with you two would hit the spot about now. When we visit, were there plans of stealing away to a birdy spot w a case of Leffe?! It couldn't get much better than that!