lover of winged creatures, spirited children, dark chocolate, most Belgian tripel beer and a simple yet fulfilling life
Friday, January 12, 2007
gai Paris
Our day in Paris was definitely "gai", which means happy in French. The sun never stopped shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was a nice day to stroll the streets with the man i met almost 20 years ago. Stijn and I visited the musee d Orsay, which features art from 1848-1914, and loved it. With the highspeed train we made it to Paris and the museum before long lines had a chance to form, and we were back in Tervuren before the girls ballet class the next day. Thanks to Els and Harry, who watched the kids while we were gone, we got to enjoy time together in this beautiful place. I'm not a city person like Stijn is, but Paris is a place I'd like to revisit again and again. And again.
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