laughs, giggles, ha ha's in foreground, but what's going on with that guy in the background? Could that be Stijn doing his classic version of the power nap? you-bet-cha!!!!

This is typical camping weather for the Netherlands - rain, rain, rain - but we FEESTED the night away in the "praat kaffee", with grilling and chilling, and water play in the playground adjacent. Can't let the weather dampen your spirits, now can we?

.... hmmmmmmm, and what's this strange metal thing doing bolted to a tree? Why, of course, it's a bike rack!!!! Isn't it obvious?

... the master of the power nap, up close and personal

Crocs have navigated the globe, and you can find this plastic footwear anywear these days. Thanks again, Marita, for an adventurous weekend camping in Holland. Hopefully we can return the favor again sometime soon!