Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Voeren en Beloeren

translates literally to "feed and peek"... at your backyard birds, that is. This Belgian bird count was the equivalent of the British Big Garden Birdwatch and the Audubon Society's Great Backyard Bird Count. The kids were primed since we'd counted the weekend prior,and as you can see they had a great time --- counting birds AND painting their feeders. To get a "peek" at our numbers, just scroll to the bottom. We saw 22 species and 57 individuals.

7 pimpelmees - blue tit
1 kuifmees - crested tit
5 staartmees - long-tailed tit
5 koolmees - great tit
2 zwarte mees - coal tit
2 glanskop - marsh tit
2 keep - brambling
1 sijs - siskin
1 grote bonte specht - great spotted woodpecker
3 heggemus - dunnock
2 vink - chaffinch
7 groenling - greenfinch
1 roodborst - robin
2 merel - blackbird
1 gaai - jay
4 ekster - magpie
2 turkse tortel - collared dove
2 houtduif - wood dove
3 boomklever - nuthatch
1 zwarte kraai - crow
2 halsbandparkiet - ring-necked parakeet
1 goudhaan - goldcrest