Keep on birding has beautiful photos of the Griffon vultures that visited northern Europe last week. They're gone already, but it's been speculated that they ventured north in search of food. Unfortunately they weren't any more successful up here! When we moved to Belgium I remember thinking to myself, "where's all the roadkill?" You just don't see many dead animals on the road, and large mammals have all been driven out or to extinction (small deer still around).
In March I saw Griffon vultures in Spain when I was birding with a Belgian bird club. Was the first vulture I'd seen in Europe. The sight of them almost brought me to tears. Didn't realize how much I missed seeing vultures! Remember watching a group of Turkey vultures devour a fawn (young deer) in Ohio in less than 1 hour. From that moment on I've always had the greatest respect for these amazing creatures.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
no. 217 Blauwborst - Bluethroat

bluethroat wiki file
Have been dreaming of seeing this member of the Old World Muscicapidae (formerly placed with the thrushes) for over a year now, and last Thursday it happened. Went birding at the Bezinkingsputten in Tienen with my birdpal Cerintje. Saw lots of goodies and would've been satisfied even without a glimpse of the Bluethroat, but when it made an appearance it was a moment I'll never forget. Plus, being a discovery that we made on our own ... at a site that we were just getting to know ... made it all the more memorable and meaningful.
Our work was cut out for us. A month ago would've been much easier (like May 11 - mother's day!), w males perched more conspicuously and singing their hearts out to attract a mate and defend a territory. Now they weren't singing so much - they were getting down to business with nest-building and procreating. This would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Plus, in flight they don't look very different from other LBB's, or little brown birds, unless you get a good glimpse of their tail w its rust and black bands.
And then we saw some LBB's rummaging around in a tussock by a marsh. They seemed to be walking in and out of vegetation but always returning to the tussock with bits of vegetation in their beaks. First Cerintje saw the telltale tail, and then i saw the beautiful blue throat and obvious supercilium. For a minute I lost my breath - how often do you get to see one of these beautiful beasts, let alone watch a PAIR of them building a nest? The pleasure was doubled when a whitethroat showed up and tried to chase the bluethroats off - it was like a mini-soap being played out before our eyes. What a day, I tell you, what a day. I could live w/out food w birds like this ...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
back home
Spent last weekend in Virginia ... rode planes, trains, and automobiles (public transport decent around DC) ... got really hot, which i'm not used to, but didn't mind too much ... ate the most delicious barbecue pork w beans, soft-shelled crab, deviled eggs, chicken salad and drank sweetened iced tea ... and had the unique opportunity to talk one-on-one with my family and friends since i was travelling solo and could finish a sentence or two - was wonderful to melt back into the family again! Especially great to see ...

my grandma Phoebe and Dad, with a combined 173 years between them! Seeing grandma's face light up when she saw me put 10 more years on my life

my grandma Mimi and Mom, looking better than i did w jetlag, but how could i sleep when i could be watching free in-flight movies!

my brothers Beau and John and the beautiful river beyond - wasn't too keen on the kissing suggestion, but as you can tell here, i didn't mind too much. Figure you've got to get those kisses while you can -

my nieces and nephews (Paige, FL Catesby, John, Sophie, Hugh, VA Catesby, and little Charlie), who are all growing up too fast and doing too amazing things - like Catesby going to tumbling nationals again this year!

+ old friends Lenka and Nien, newly engaged, still w time and space in their life to finish a sentence or two - congrats!

my grandma Phoebe and Dad, with a combined 173 years between them! Seeing grandma's face light up when she saw me put 10 more years on my life

my grandma Mimi and Mom, looking better than i did w jetlag, but how could i sleep when i could be watching free in-flight movies!

my brothers Beau and John and the beautiful river beyond - wasn't too keen on the kissing suggestion, but as you can tell here, i didn't mind too much. Figure you've got to get those kisses while you can -

my nieces and nephews (Paige, FL Catesby, John, Sophie, Hugh, VA Catesby, and little Charlie), who are all growing up too fast and doing too amazing things - like Catesby going to tumbling nationals again this year!

+ old friends Lenka and Nien, newly engaged, still w time and space in their life to finish a sentence or two - congrats!
wij hebben een winnaar!

Was a nice day here today. Alex finished her first year dancing on pointe, Thijs made wine for daddy for father's day, and Phoebe won an art contest!
Local leaders are threatening to close the Tervuren swimming pool in September 2007, and a group of concerned citizens is fighting hard to stop it ( They organized the art contest in an effort to generate support for their cause. The kids helped with the cause too - Alex and Phoebe walked door to door to collect signatures for a petition. They almost collected 16 in one hour! Mommy was so proud.
For the tekening wedstrijd, the kids all made pictures. Phoebe was so surprised to hear she'd actually won. I don't know what she actually drew, but there's a lot of blue watery-looking stuff if that's what you want to see. The prize - an inflatable swimming pool - how appropriate, don't you think? Especially since the decisionmakers are trying to steal the real thing!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
my kind of day

began by walking kids to school,
swimming with Thijs and his classmates at the pool next to school,
and then walking home to put on a sweater and running shoes
then walked to town to watch Alex run in school fundraiser
cheered her on with water bottle in one hand and cappucino in other
and gave her power hugs to keep her going strong
then walked to market to buy something for dinner
and to baker for loaves of 3-grain and koala brood
then biked to art class in Overijse to draw some drinking glasses,
join the class in end-of-year party with a glass of red wine,
and then biked cheerily back to Tervuren to pick up kids
then walked to shoe shop to buy kids birkenstocks
and walked back home
after stopping by the baker for ice cream on the way home
a car-free day - now that's the way to beat jetlag!
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