Sunday, May 27, 2007

scarlet fever

Didn't you think scarlet fever was a thing of the past? When I heard that one of Phoebe's classmates had it last week, I was kinda surprised since you don't hear about it much anymore, at least not in the U.S. You hear about the more common afflictions, like impetigo, chicken pox, head lice (very common here!), but scarlet fever?

When Thijs began acting a little strange, I started taking note. Yesterday he took a loooooooong nap (w dad who just returned from states), but we'd also stayed up late playing at the park + looking for bats, so I figured he was just catching up. Then today, he also wasn't himself. He didn't feel like riding the merry-go-round 10x like he always does, and he fell asleep in the ice cream shop! It wasn't just a little nap where you wake up feeling refreshed - he was knocked out. Lucky he has a swell pop who carried him the whole way home!

When he woke up, he had a temp of 39 degrees C, headache, and he looked fatigued. Under normal circumstances, I would've just treated it like an ordinary viral infection, but knowing that streptococcus group A might be at stake, I took no chances. Mommy was on high alert.

Got on the phone and found a doctor who'd see him within 15 mins. On the way he threw up - poor guy. Doctor pegged it as scarlet fever when he saw the typical "strawberry tongue" and sandpapery skin, even though he hadn't broken out in a rash. Too bad penicillin tastes so wicked - oh, aren't the next 10 days going to be FUN!

It's just a coincidence, but while Thijs was napping, I was packing for my Virginia trip. This is the second time bad fortune has struck the family while mommy was either getting away/planning on getting away. Somehow I've gotta find a way to break this curse!

Friday, May 25, 2007

off the path

Saw this stunning bird today in Oud-Heverlee Noord (northern marsh), a conservation area about 15 km from Tervuren. Didn't even know it was there - I went to see Cetti's warbler and other marsh birds, but apparently i was in for an even bigger treat!

As I was watching a beautiful male reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) eating seeds off a tall reed, I saw a crow-sized black bird take off from a willow tree. At once it struck me as a strange-looking bird so I didn't look away, and how fortunate was I to make that decision. Microseconds later I saw the ivory bill and red crown, and at that moment my jaw dropped and my eyes almost popped out of my head. It was the Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)(Wiki file shown)!

Interestingly, I might not have seen the Black Woodpecker if I'd stuck to the path. I'd decided to explore some fields nearby where I heard some birds vocalizing, and that's when the woody woodpecker flew by. If I hadn't been standing in just that spot at that time I might have missed it. Funny how life drops little jewels like this when we allow ourselves to "let go" of our expectations and just enjoy being in the here and now.

By the way, a Cetti's warbler did eventually sing, once I decided to get back on the path.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

like my new eyes?

got new glasses today
watched slugs mating
made monoprints of golden Siberian cranes and pink bugs
read Harry Potter to kids
thought about cutting the grass
but swept the sidewalk instead since now i can see all the dirt my Belgian neighbor can see!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

no. 215 - witwangstern

My WP list continues to grow. I passed the 200 mark while birding in Gibraltar with my Belgian bird friends from Oost-Brabant. The Witwangstern, or Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus)(Wiki file shown), winters in Africa and is my 215th bird - what a beauty she is. Only thing missing was sharing the excitement with a friend.

I got to Sint-Agatha Rode a little after 9:30 am. Dropped kids off at school and convinced Thijs to let another mommy help him in swimming class. I knew I'd miss swimming with him, but how could I miss seeing the Whiskered Tern! Guilty mom syndrome struck since how would I feel if I got there and there were no birds? The thought kept running through my head.

Another birder was just leaving (Eric T?), but before he could slip past I asked in Dutch if he'd seen the Witwangstern. He shook his head, said we were too late, and then he was off, presumably to the next birding spot. Feeling a bit deflated I dropped my backpack and plopped down on my 3-legged stool. A moment later an ijsvogel or kingfisher flew past, making me think it wasn't going to be such a bad day after all. I'd only seen it twice before so this sighting already lifted my spirits!

Looking out over the northern end of the marsh I saw what looked like a black tern but without a black face. When i lifted the bins, yes indeed, the white cheek flashed brightly against the contrast of the black cap and dark breast. Looked like the head of an Arctic tern plopped on a Black tern's body. There was no mistaking it - one whiskered tern was gracing my airspace! Four birds had been reported the previous day, so this was probably a new bird - how lucky was that?

Then it came closer - first it flew over the center of the marsh, close to where I was perched, and then it landed on a pole for 5 minutes directly offshore from me (and the hide). I felt fortunate to have this moment alone with this beautiful beast, so I could study it, enjoy it in peace and have it all to myself. Terns are so graceful, so delicate. Watched this one for 1.45 hours, and it seemed like no time had passed at all. Could've stayed all day -

But I also wanted to share it with someone -- this beautiful bird, this beautiful day, so I called Joey (S.African born/Belgian birder) - and vowed to take her with me the next time she was free. Having a bird friend not only makes the experience better (and safer), but it also adds confidence to your bird reports. Since wouldn't you know that another birder showed up just after I left, stayed for 1 hour, and apparently did NOT see the whiskered tern. I didn't feel challenged by this report - rather, I felt really lucky - lucky that the bird didn't sit and rest the whole time but instead gave me a spectacular show!

p.s. just read email from third birder who eventually saw the whiskered tern at Sint-Agatha Rode that evening

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

a golden day

Each year I go birding on Mother's Day (which happens to be on the same weekend as World Migratory Bird Day!), and this past Sunday I saw some spectacular spring migrants. The kids didn't mind too much and Stijn was just happy i did the lawn and shopping to give him a break. I did miss our breakfast in bed, which has become our way of celebrating a special day. I was up too early even to get my favorite: hot tea in bed - what a pity.

As always, I was hoping to get some new species, as well as see some old bird friends, both feathered and unfeathered. An early morning bird walk on Saturday along a small restored creek (Kleine Gete te Eliksem), gave Icterine warbler and skylark, plus 30+ other species. Very pleasant.

Grote Karekiet, or Great reed warbler, was my prize for getting up at 5:30 am on mother's day to visit Het Vinne (freshwater marsh). Following that, I helped with a bird survey near Hoegaarden (where the beer is made), where I picked up marsh warbler and the star of the day ... drums rolling ... the GOLDEN ORIOLE! And here it is, shown in WIKI files ... isn't it absolutely splendid! My first Old World Oriolidae - just 19 more species to go - does the thought give you goosebumps too?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

my new motto

My favorite place to go is where I've never been.


Belgians like clean streets

I've had the strange feeling lately that I've been disappointing someone. Maybe it's from the mounds of thank-you's I need to write or phone calls to friends in need of support/encouragement that I need to make (or time i need to spend with the hubbie!), but for whatever reason I've had this unexplainable feeling that I've been letting someone down.

This afternoon, the answer came from a neighbor. And not just any neighbor ... a BELGIAN neighbor. This was the place I least expected it from! Especially since this neighbor has never uttered a word to me, until now ...

SHE barely let me get out of my car before she started rattling off (in Dutch at first, but then in English) her anxiety about the collection of dirt on our sidewalk/street. She prefaced her attack by saying that she was 71 and not afraid to speak her mind.

She was visibly agitated by the fact that we hadn't swept our sidewalk in the last few months, but she also let me know that we weren't the WORST on the street. Our Portuguese/Italian neighbors came in last place, as you would expect, right? They're attending to more important matters, like drinking wine and making delicious food. But that is hardly a solace ...

According to this neighbor, the police can fine you for not keeping your bit of street in order! Apparently the Tervuren officers are a bit more laid back as they don't fine you anymore (good thing for us). Maybe it's because the expat community hasn't been sold on this unwritten rule and has other priorities, like travelling and enjoying life!

Then she ragged on my Dutch husband, claiming he must understand the Belgian mentality of clean streets. I just shook my head, like "sure, why not", not knowing where this idea originated in the first place. Personally, I thought the Dutch were better known for their entreprenurial spirit and tulips (and love of travel, Yeah!) than dirt collection. But maybe I was wrong ...

But finally the REAL reason for her anxiety reared it's ugly head ..... NIMBY! For those unawares, NIMBY stands for "it's okay as long as it's NOT IN MY BACKYARD!"

She explained how our street acts like a wind tunnel, carrying all our dirt and filth right in front of her house, and how she has beautiful clean, white tiles in her garage that get dirty if their cars have to drive through our filth. Oh, the story goes on and on .... you really don't want to hear all the details. I was gagging as it was -

I bit my lip. I smiled. I listened. I tried to understand. But I also wanted to say, "hey, do you realize i have 3 kids, a husband that travels circumpolar, and that this is a NON-priority to me at this point in my life?" Maybe when I'm 71 I'll begin to fret about insignificant things. But today I saw black terns, hobbies, marsh harriers, and garganeys at a beautiful nature reserve, and that's WAY more important than any breath you've wasted in the last 5 minutes!

And I felt like saying, "have you heard the beautiful song of the greenfinch, bullfinch, great tit, blue tit, marsh tit, great spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, hedge sparrow, blackbird"? And do you know where they got their last meal and drink? It was most likely at my well-stocked birdfeeder and my fishpond, which i place the highest priority on maintaining - thank you. And did you know that my girls correctly identified the 2 Goudvink (bullfinch) that fed at my feeder this week?

Let's get our priorities straight, shall we!